Bitcoin é a moeda do futuro
Chemex, grande xícara de café, jat de grãos de café, ramo de algodão e grãos de café espalhados
Maneira alternativa de fazer café
Alternativa ecológica ao plástico
Alternativa ecológica ao plástico
Eu encontrei a melhor alternativa
Essa é uma alternativa ecologicamente correta para garrafas plásticas
Alternativa ecologicamente correta
Alternativa ecologicamente correta
Idéias de buquê alternativa
Alternativa americana
A flower is good for 'cheer up' gesture
Male clown holding glass with plastic straws in it
Male clown holding glass and straws
Guess i have some problems with that
Figuring out if this joke was fun or not
Gonna give a try to my juggling technique
Sad male clown pointing at glass of plastic straws he's holding
Male clown holding balloon figures
Trying my best acting skills at juggling
Glasses up for this great birthday time
Tudo começa a florescer ao toque do amor
Guess i have some problems with that
Male clown blowing blue balloon
Like this image of me, huh?
What? clown can feel bad too
Male clown using knife as nail file
Isn't anyone excited about this party to happen?
Male clown blowing blue balloon
I mean, everyone likes clowns, no?
Male clown pointing at flower he's holding
Preparing this envelope to be sent
Male mime standing like he doesn't care about anything
Don't you like sunflowers like i do?
Clowns can be grumpy too when there are persons that don't get us
Isn't anyone excited about this party to happen?
Male clown in red wig sitting on the chair
'cause it's all about having fun and just enjoy the time
Male mime leaning on invisible object
Great celebration needs a little bit of confetti, you know
Sad male clown pointing at glass of plastic straws he's holding
Sad male clown standing with hands behind the back
Hey folks, aren't we ready for entertainment?
Glasses up for this great birthday time
Male clown blowing into plastic straw
Male clown licking envelope
Trying my best acting skills at juggling
Male clown pointing at something his does
Male clown holding balloon figures
Dealing with this thing isn't as easy as it seems
Guess i have some problems with that
Guess i couldn't be in the better mood than now
Guess i need to solve it all somehow
Evil male clown touching his teeth with a knife?
Having a lot of my mind to think about
Male clown licking the cake he's holding
Guess my acting skills are on point
Male mime leaning on invisible object
Giving all my artistic self to make this balloon figure
Gosh seems like i'm really trapped here